Tenders: Tears to Triumphs (Alternate Time)
We all know how a tender works, but why are customers still bamboozled, annoyed, frustrated, and thoroughly disheartened by some of the experiences they have with ‘home automation’ and audio visual installations. We’re by no means tarring everyone with the same brush here -but there’s a discussion to be had around how technical and functional specifications get pulled together into a cohesive, working design which satisfies clients and ultimately results in wonderful experiences of technology in their lives.
This webinar and open discussion will focus on the basic structure, outline and overview of technical and functional specifications set forth in what should be every, single customers’ requirement.
Who is it for; Technical discussions about specifications and process, aimed at Quantity surveyors, Architects, Designers and End Users / Customers. Integrators and Installers are welcome to join in.
This is the same webinar, albeit a repeat from earlier today for those who may have missed it, or couldn’t make the first.